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Sierra Chart and Exochart Templates

Over the years, I have received many questions about the platforms and templates I use for Footprint and TPO charts.

I have decided to put together a free template pack for Bitcoin for Sierra Chart and both versions of Exocharts (Desktop and browser).

Although these templates are made for BTC, they can be easily adjusted for any other market that your platform offers.

Please do not contact me about importing these templates to the platform if you don’t know how to use the platform, the official websites have more than enough information.

I also published the Sierra Chart video guide on youtube.

If you do not know how to use Footprint and TPO charts, make sure to read the blog or join the Tradingriot Bootcamp, which covers everything in detail.

These templates are made for Bybit and Binance data.

For Tradingview, the indicator that colours candles based on relative volume is Koalafied Volume Extension.

Download Templates